Quality of Nomination
As a nominator, it is your responsibility, through the quality of your documentation, to assist the College of FAA in viewing the achievements of your candidate as you do. It is acceptable, and encouraged, for you to work collaboratively with a colleague or other alumni/staff to submit a nomination. We encourage you to keep nominations confidential. Please keep in mind that people looking at this nomination may only have the information you provide to get to know your candidate and rank them against other nominations from other units.
The following information will assist in the preparation of the nomination:
- Nominee Eligibility: Someone who is not necessarily an alum of FAA but whose contributions to the college are extraordinary and highly impactful. Someone whom if they were an alum of the college would be receiving the Distinguished Legacy Award. Current members of the Legacy Stewards and current FAA faculty are not eligible for an Illinois Arts Legacy Award. FAA faculty become eligible upon resignation or achieving emeritus status.
- Nominator Eligibility: Illinois Arts Legacy winners must be nominated by staff of Japan House, Krannert Art Museum, or Krannert Center for the Performing Arts or current faculty, FAA alumni, or emeritus faculty.
- Nominee Information: Provide complete name of candidate. Provide employment and home information as accurately as possible, particularly an email address.
- Proposed Citation: Be concise and accurate in citing the contribution deserving of honor. Do not exceed 20 words.
- Significant Contributions and Achievements: Describe the candidate’s outstanding contributions/achievements in detail, within the space provided. Be specific in terms of the innovation, originality, creativity, and importance of the contributions/achievements. Must include information about the contributions/achievements in one or more of the following areas: visual arts, environmental arts, performing arts, and arts advocacy. May include significant publications, products, exhibitions, performances, and other accomplishments.
- Other Professional Accomplishments (such as service to the university, professional honors and awards, and/or public service): Provide other pertinent information in which the nominee has contributed through service, volunteering, or other outstanding deeds.
- Additional Documents: Please provide a copy of the candidate’s current résumé. Any substantial letters of recommendation are encouraged.
- Existing Nominations: Each nomination is considered for a total of three years if not selected. To strengthen an existing nomination, the nominator is encouraged to submit updates or other pertinent information before the next deadline. Nominators will receive communication from the college before a nomination expires.
Nominations for the 2025 Legacy Awards are now open through March 15. If you would like to nominate someone for an Illinois Arts Legacy Award, please submit this nomination form by 11:59 pm on March 15.