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Are you ready to invest in the future of the arts with a gift to FAA? Your contribution will help shape the skylines, communities, stages, arts venues, and classrooms of tomorrow. The College's record of excellence would not be possible without the passionate support of dedicated alumni and friends like you. Thank you!

Landscape architecture students setting up an exhibit

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Please indicate the amount of your contribution next to one or more of our major funding areas (do not use commas in dollar amounts).

Give Now to Support FAA

This fund provides the College with the flexibility to direct support to areas that have the greatest need.


The Dean’s Excellence Scholarship Fund ensures that all bright and talented first-year students are able to enroll and thrive in the college’s undergraduate programs. This scholarship provides financial support for excellent students, prioritizing those from historically underserved communities and racial and ethnic groups.


This fund provides financial support in the form of scholarships to College of Fine and Applied Arts students.

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