Job Searches


Think beyond job postings: approximately 80 percent of positions are never advertised. People usually get hired by networking. FAA Career Services can help you make connections with professionals in your field. When you do search for job ads, start with specialized online services that cater to people with your major or those in the arts: you’ll see more appropriate listings and spend less time finding options that suit your abilities and background.

Subscription Service

  • Bridge—positions in arts administration and music

Contact FAA Career Services ( from your University of Illinois email account for login information and password.

You're Qualified!

No matter where you want to head after graduation, your degree can help you get hired. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers Job Outlook 2023 survey, many skills, talents, and qualities critical to success in the arts remain in high demand. In addition to a strong GPA and position-specific skills, more than half of all employers are interested in applicants with the following attributes:

  • Problem-solving skills
  • Ability to work on a team
  • Strong work ethic
  • Analytical/quantitative skills
  • Communication skills
  • Technical skills

See how you can translate your work experience into a strong résumé with the video #THEWAYYOUSAYIT from Illinois Career Services.

Contact Info

If you’re looking for more guidance, check with FAA Career Services ( throughout the year to learn about workshops, job fairs, and events with experts in your field.  You can also contact FAA Career Services with questions about your future as a professional in the arts or to make an appointment to have your résumé, cover letter, or portfolio reviewed. Additionally, you have access to The Career Center, where you can learn about campus events and resources to help you reach your goals and schedule an appointment.

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