Instructors should consult their unit executive officer about any policy or procedure issues.
- When an academic integrity issue arises, procedures are governed by the Student Code.
- Report the allegation in FAIR.
- Students should continue participation in the course until all processes have been completed.
- The Student Code supports a finding of an academic integrity infraction even in the absence of intent. The finding of guilt may be rather objective in character, whereas the Student Code expects that the penalty will be determined in the light of more subjective judgments by the instructor on the basis of student responses and context.
- In judging whether an academic infraction has occurred, the existence of specific knowledge and intent to cheat, plagiarize, or otherwise commit a purposeful act is not necessarily a factor; for example, quoting work without citation is inappropriate regardless of whether one intended to plagiarize or even knows what plagiarism is. Furthermore, sometimes an infraction may be the result of carelessness or neglect rather than specific intent.
- A lack of knowledge or intent shall be a factor in determining whether an infraction should be penalized or what sort of penalty is appropriate. In cases in which a violation of the rules has been brought about by circumstances that a student did not know about, and could not have been reasonably expected to know, no penalty shall be assessed against that student.
- In determining an appropriate penalty, the instructor shall also take into consideration aggravating circumstances, such as whether the student’s conduct was designed not only to advance his or her own grade but to hinder the academic performance of others.
- Faculty members act as fact finders and determine penalties. In the role of fact finder, the instructor has broad powers to determine whether an infraction has occurred (through collecting relevant evidence, questioning students, and other procedures). The faculty member should feel certain that the student has committed an infraction before determining the penalty. This decision may be based not only on the facts revealed by the investigation but also on other factors that are relevant in the best judgment of the faculty member.
- For academic integrity cases late in the semester, you may need to contact the student’s college to authorize a temporary Incomplete grade until all processes are completed.
- Students may appeal either the finding of guilt or the penalty assigned or both.
- The appeal process does not lessen the faculty member’s responsibility to determine both finding and penalty with great care. Note that the appeal process privileges the instructor’s determinations:
- In an appeal, the burden of proof in proving the faculty finding is erroneous is on the student.
- The faculty member’s determination of penalty also establishes the maximum penalty allowable.
- There is no appeal for the student above the department or college level.
- Any time a student is reported as having been found guilty of an academic integrity infraction, this infraction is noted in the college academic file (for a period of six years) and in the university records of the Senate Committee on Student Discipline. This procedure is followed even if the instructor decides not to impose a penalty.