Promotion for Specialized Faculty

Promotion Process

FAA Promotion Guidance

The College of Fine and Applied Arts supplements the provost’s guidance for specialized faculty and home units in developing promotion dossiers. Please see “Section VII: Promotion Processes for Specialized Faculty” of the FAA Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures.

Relevant Provost’s Communications

Communication #25: Employment Guidelines for Specialized Faculty Holding Non-Tenure System Positions

Communication #26: Promotion to Teaching, Research, or Clinical Associate or Full Professor Titles


Promotions for specialized faculty typically include advancement in title and salary and the possibility of a multiyear contract. Eligible specialized faculty members may discuss the suitability and time frame for potential promotions with their unit executive officers. Annual review meetings provide an opportunity for such discussions. The following timeline shows a general outline of activities that specialized faculty members and units conduct when preparing cases for promotion (see Communication #26 for additional details):

Fall Semester: Each candidate confirms plans for upcoming review with their unit executive officer and prepares a dossier using the guidance in Communication #26 (use the FAA template and cover sheet). Units inform the college of cases for potential promotion, constitute a committee with appropriate specialized faculty representation, and identify and invite suitable external evaluators.

Winter/Spring Semester: Units develop internal evaluations (depending on the position type, i.e., teaching, research, or clinical), collect external letters, and prepare and submit cases going forward to the dean’s office by March 1. Cases are reviewed by the FAA Promotion and Tenure Committee with appropriate specialized faculty representation and by the dean, and successful cases are submitted to the provost’s office in April for promotions to be effective in August.


The FAA Bylaws include definitions and the privileges of specialized faculty and other members of the college. Each academic unit also has its own bylaws that determine the privileges of its specialized faculty and inform its internal policies and procedures.

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