Dustin Gibson & Talila “TL” Lewis in Conversation: Reflections on Disability Justice

March 30, 2023
Thursday, 5:30 PM
TL and Dustin pose for a photo after a conversation in 2019. Dustin, a light skinned Black man with a thick beard, has his arm around TL’s shoulder with a clenched fist of unity/power. Dustin’s black hoodie says “all prisons are for profit” and he sports a St. Louis Cardinals hat and backpack. TL is a Black medium complexion genderfluid person with a very low haircut and brown circle-framed glasses who comes up to just above Dustin’s shoulder height. TL is wearing a white shirt with a knit black cardigan over it. TL & Dustin are wearing deep green colored pants. TL & Dustin lean against each other with pride. The background has been lightened but behind Dustin and TL there is a partial image of a collaged poster of many different photographs, bookshelves and tables with chairs.
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