Project Completion Grant
This program supports performances, publications, exhibitions, and other presentations that have already secured prestigious opportunities for public display or distribution but require modest additional funding to complete. With a maximum award of $5000, the program assists with such needs as space and equipment rentals, recording fees, fabrication, shipping, reproduction, subventions, transportation, and performers’ fees. The primary evaluative criterion is that the funds will help secure a wider audience for the applicant’s work and ensure greater impact on their field. Each proposed project must be completed within one year of receiving an award.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis; please allow a month’s notice for review (and longer in the summer months).
Application Process
Download the application form.
Professional Development Funds for Specialized Faculty
Funds of up to $500 are available for specialized faculty (all ranks) with a 51% or higher appointment in the College of Fine and Applied Arts. These funds are intended to allow specialized faculty to pursue opportunities for professional development.
Funding may be requested to support opportunities secured for presentation or dissemination of work related to teaching, research, or creative work. This may include travel and expenses related to exhibitions, conference presentations, performances, or publications.
Eligible faculty may request funding up to $500 per academic year.
Application Process
Complete and submit the professional development funds request form. Use your NetID and password to access the electronic form.
Humanities/Arts Scholarship Support Fund (HASS)
The HASS funding program ensures that every eligible tenured and tenure-track faculty member receives $1500 of discretionary funding a year. Eligibility and guidelines can be found in the policy document.
External Residencies
External residencies and fellowships not only offer focused periods to complete work but also bring prestige to the unit and the college. To ensure that there is adequate time to prepare for a leave from teaching duties, a faculty member interested in pursuing such an opportunity should begin consulting with his or her unit executive officer well in advance of application deadlines. If pursuit of an awarded external fellowship requires further financial support in addition to leave time, the college administration will work with the unit and campus to pursue supplementary funding.
Sponsored Research
Research that involves a contractual relationship between the university and a funding agency or sponsor requires processing and approval at the college and campus levels. Once a faculty member has identified a potential sponsor and has prepared an initial project description, the unit business manager should be contacted for proposal assistance.