Staff Directory
Kendra Shaffer
Senior Director
Oversight for Business Service Center unit functions
217-244-6987 | kshaffer@illinois.edu
Traci Quigg Thomas
Assistant Director
Business/Finance team lead and Proposal and Grants administration
217-300-8285 | tquigg@illinois.edu
Kamala Marsh
Accounting Associate
Financial Reconciliation, Telecom Coordinator, and Japan House and Kinley Program Support
217-300-3681 | km18@illinois.edu
Karen Mueller
Business/Administrative Associate
Reimbursements, Student Payments, Purchasing, Unit Telecom Coordinator, Property Inventory Control, and Work Order Requests
217-300-3874 | kmuellr@illinois.edu
Erin Kristovich
Business Service Specialist
Reimbursements, Student Payments, and Purchasing
217-300-9146 | emk@illinois.edu

Faculty and Staff Resources
Faculty Travel and Miscellaneous Reimbursement
Please draft your reimbursement report in Chrome River. You can find job aids for the different types of reimbursement requests here and business justification guidance here. All expense reports upon submission are routed to the Business Office for review – we will review them thoroughly and work with you closely if updates are necessary. If you are new to Chrome River, please reach out to a member of the TBH BSC. We will schedule an online meeting with you – guiding you through drafting your report.
Purchase Requests
Purchasing Application.
All purchase requests, including payment for travel and conference registration, should be submitted through the my.FAA Purchasing Application.
Purchasing User Guide
Will assist anyone with how to view and submit purchase requests.
Hiring Requests
Appointments Application
All hiring requests should be submitted by the supervisor through the my.FAA Appointment Application.
Appointments Application Instructions
Will assist anyone with how to submit hiring/appointment requests.
TBH Reservation Requests
TBH Reservation Form
Use this form for all requests for the Blicharski Atrium, Plym Auditorium, and TBH Galleries along with a calendar reservation request submitted here – TBH Reservations Calendar.
Guest/Visitor Honorarium and Travel Reimbursement
Guest/Visitor Reimbursement and Honorarium Form
Use this form to process a guest honorarium payment and/or reimbursement of travel expenses.
Proposal Submission
TBH-BSC Intent to Submit or Participate on a Grant Proposal Form
Use this to submit your intent to submit a funding proposal (internal or external) or if you are co-participating on a funding proposal. All externally funded proposals MUST be routed through the TBH Business Service Center to Sponsored Programs (SPA) for review/approve prior to sponsor submission. Please alert us as soon as possible regarding intent to ensure we have ample time to assist with the components of a complete proposal package.
Equipment Loan Form
Equipment Loan Form Instructions
Required for all portable equipment and any other equipment that will be off-campus for any duration of time.
Transaction Procedure Doc
Will assist TBH units on purchasing procedures.
Surplus/Scrap Procedures
Will assist TBH units on how to scrap or surplus items no longer needed/wanted.
Space Request Instructions
Will assist anyone on how to make a reservation online.
Timeline for Field Trips and Study Abroad
Will assist faculty and staff on the timeline needed to plan field trips/study abroad.
Architecture NTFC Workload and Duty Percentages