Accelerated Graduate Programs for Sustainable Design Majors

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Design degree have the opportunity to apply for and complete one of three accelerated graduate programs within the College of Fine & Applied Arts.

About the Accelerated Graduate Program Process

Currently, there are three options for earning a graduate degree utilizing the accelerated program process. Once accepted to pursue an accelerated program, the BSSD student will follow a course schedule in their senior year which prepares them to transition to their selected graduate program. Students will need to apply to their specific graduate program and this process does not guarantee acceptance into a graduate program.

Accelerated Program Process


Timing Needed Action
Junior Year of BSSD (Fall Semester) Select accelerated program and apply
Senior Year of BSSD Approved students will follow a specific course schedule designed to accelerate their completion of a graduate program
Senior Year of BSSD Students will need to apply following the processes of the Graduate College and the FAA unit granting their selected graduate degree program
After graduating from the BSSD program Admitted students will enter their graduate program with coursework applied towards their completion
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