
Sustainable design calls on a student's creativity to conceptualize, visualize, analyze, communicate, and build products, buildings, cities, landscapes, and communities that use energy and materials in a more environmentally and socially sustainable manner.

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Program Guidebook

View our guidebook for more information on our program mission, learning outcomes, academic course descriptions, and program policies.

Academic Requirements

Sustainable design majors complete course work in graphic and industrial design, architecture, landscape architecture, and urban and regional planning. The program combines concrete skills development with opportunities to move between disciplinary barriers and traverse traditional boundaries. View the degree requirements.

Sample Schedules

Are you joining the Sustainable Design Program as a first-year student, sophomore, or junior? See a sample schedule for each starting point.

Unsure of where to start? Here are a few courses that Introduce the major:

  • ARCH 171: Concepts of Architectural Design
  • FAA 230: Sustainable Design of the Built Environment
  • LA 101: Introduction to Landscape Architecture
  • UP 136: Urban Sustainability
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