Advising Toolbox for Faculty & Advisors

If you have any questions or would like to consult on how to best support your students, please contact the FAA Undergraduate Academic Affairs Office at or 217-333-6061 to speak with a dean.

Visit the information from the  Office of Academic Affairs and the Student Code for guidance on college/university policies and procedures.

Students with Enrollment/Registration Issues


Portal to access personal information, register for classes, view class schedules, access student accounts, see grades and transcripts, and update contact information.

Registration Process

Information on registration time tickets and step-by-step procedures.

Academic Calendars

Information on official academic dates including the deadlines for adding and dropping classes.

Placement & Proficiency (PNP/AP)

Site to check placement and proficiency scores such as placement test scores, ACT scores, and high school information.

Students with Mental Health Concerns/Personal Challenges


Guidance for deciding how to best assist a student and how to get connected to services for mental health, wellness, access, and accommodation.

Counseling Center

Services to help students address emotional, interpersonal, and academic concerns.

FAA Embedded Counselor

Our embedded counselor, Bryan Deutsch, LCSW (, is housed in the Architecture Building. Bryan offers counseling services to all students in FAA, gives consultations to faculty and staff, and will provide workshops as requested.

McKinley Mental Health Program

Assessments and recommendations for treatment for a variety of emotional and behavioral difficulties.

Office of the Dean of Students/Student Assistance Center (ODOS)

Assistance with questions about university policies and procedures, absences, and health/mental health concerns.

Emergency Dean

Support for any student experiencing an emergency after 5 p.m. that requires an immediate university response.

We Care (Sexual Misconduct Support, Response & Prevention)

Information about making a report, confidential resources, rights, and options.

Students with Academic Challenges

Office of Academic Affairs

If you have questions about course policies or form procedures, please contact the FAA Office of Undergraduate Affairs. You may reach out to a dean in the FAA Academic Affairs Office to refer a student or to consult on a student concern.

Disability Resources & Educational Services (DRES)

Information about all disability services on campus.

Office of Minority Student Affairs

Tutoring and academic services provided by well-trained tutors.

Student Success Toolkit

Designed by the Division of General Studies to assist students with learning skills.

Technology Issues

The Technology Loan Program and the Student Technology Program are no longer accepting loan requests. Students who are experiencing challenges with technology due to a temporary hardship should be encouraged to talk with FAA Academic Affairs or the Student Assistance Center about potential emergency funds or campus options.

Tutoring Resources

Tutoring options on campus for students who need assistance with writing or specific courses.

Students with Attendance Concerns

COVID-19-Related Absences

The Student Code continues to be the guiding document for handling excused absences. Determinations of excused absences are made by the instructor. A student who is absent for an extended period is encouraged to contact the instructor and obtain a letter from the Student Assistance Center in the Office of the Dean of Students.

About Absence Letters

Student Code Class Attendance Policy

Irregular Attendance Form

If a student has missed more than three consecutive course sessions, please submit an irregular attendance form to notify the college. Once we receive one of these reports, we will reach out to the student via the secure message delivery system to encourage them to follow up with you about the attendance policy stated in the syllabus or to contact the college office to address any personal challenges they may be experiencing. If you indicate any specific personal concerns on the form or the student does not acknowledge receipt of the message within a week, the college office will directly reach out to the student via phone or work in partnership with the Student Assistance Center (ODOS) to get in contact with the student. If you would like to consult on how to best support a student, please contact the FAA Undergraduate Academic Affairs Office to speak with a dean.

Please note that once you have submitted an irregular attendance form for a student in your course, it is not necessary to submit another form for the same student. If the student’s attendance does not improve, we encourage you to submit the grade earned at the end of the term. Students who have extenuating circumstances should always be encouraged to explore their academic options with their academic advisor or the FAA Undergraduate Academic Affairs Office.

Additional Resources

Sample Course Attendance Policies

Sample Course Policies for Missed Exams

Students with Major Requirements/Graduation Concerns

Course Explorer

Connections to the class schedule and catalog, programs of study, and general education requirements.

Degree Audit System—DARS for Advisors/U.Achieve

The system allows you to run a degree audit to determine how a student is progressing toward graduation. As of fall 2017 the system changed to U.Achieve (if you are unable to view it, please contact FAA Undergraduate Academic Affairs to request access).


Students may use this tool to identify coursework that will transfer to the university.

FAA Degrees

Information on earning a minor or concurrent dual degree.

Graduation/FAA Commencement Guide

Students should be encouraged to follow these steps to prepare for graduation.

Students with Financial Challenges

Bates Scholarship Fund for Continuing FAA Student Success

This scholarship is offered by the college to assist FAA students in good standing who encounter an unforeseen financial need. The application is available at the start of each fall and spring term. The maximum award is $1,000. Students may contact for application details.

Financial Concerns (Office of the Dean of Students)

Campus programs and local resources that may provide financial relief, food options, and housing assistance to students who are struggling financially.

Office of Student Financial Aid

Various types of aid information available on campus, federally, or through the state.

Scholarship Database

Searchable list of scholarships offered by the university with information about application procedures.

University Bursar

Information about student accounts and options for payment.

Students with Diverse Needs

Disability Resources & Educational Services (DRES)

Information about all disability services on campus.

International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS)

Information on international status, immigration, programming, and advocacy.

Student Success, Inclusion & Belonging

Details about support, services, and programming offered by the six cultural and resource centers on campus.

Office of Minority Student Affairs (OMSA)

Support services and activities to assist underrepresented groups on campus.

Report an Incident (Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion)

Starting point for students to report bias-motivated incidents, sexual misconduct, and barriers to access.

Students Exploring Major & Career Options

Changing My Major (Undergraduate): A Guide to the Intercollegiate Transfer (ICT) Process

Information on the requirements necessary to change a major.

FAA Career Services

Workshops, job fairs, and lectures by experts in their specific fields.

The Career Center

Career information, general career counseling services, resources, and campus-wide events.

Students Seeking to Study Abroad

Study Abroad with FAA International Programs

Information on recommended FAA study abroad programs, planning, the course approval process, and program costs.

Education Abroad

Assistance with a broad range of international study and educational opportunities abroad.

Honors Students


Information about James Scholar program requirements, honors project procedures, the Campus Honors Program, the Dean’s List, the Bronze Tablet, and criteria for earning honors recognition at graduation.

University Policies for FERPA & Grades


Information related to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.


Instructions for submitting final grades, midterm grades, and grades after a deadline.

Special Forms for Advisors & Faculty

All student forms are available on the Student Forms page

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