Study Abroad

Engage in global learning, gain cross-cultural competencies, and see the world while studying abroad!

Study Abroad Benefits

Many students find studying abroad to be a life-changing endeavor with profound impact. Students can expect a completely unique experience while earning the same credit as their peers in Illinois. One can explore exclusive or specific topics within a vastly different curriculum or locate courses of similar subject matter taught in new ways. Students that have had an international education develop strong cross-cultural communication skills and are able to network on a global level. These exceptional skills make one more desirable to potential employers and the experiences are sure to shape one’s future.

The Education Abroad website is your one-stop shop for all campus-wide resources on studying abroad and global learning. Explore all aspects of the study abroad process, get information on budgets and financial aid, learn about scholarship applications, and find resources to support you before, during, and after your experience.

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