Our Logo
We share a single logo—the Block I.
This helps to strengthen our connection to one another and our visibility as a whole.
It should…
- Appear on all communications
- Be used in provided colors and on top of approved pairings
It should not…
- Appear near other type elements or be visually grouped
- Replace the letter I in a word or be combined with other graphics
- Be altered, skewed, rotated, or represented in reduced opacity
The Block I should be used in digital and print communications along with the unit name in text. Depending on the audience and the type of piece, it may be appropriate to additionally include the college wordmark or name in text.

University Wordmark
There are few instances when the university wordmark should be used. If there is limited space and the Block I, unit name in text, and college name in text do not fit, one could consider the college or university wordmark. Explicitly referencing the University of Illinois can be important in communications targeting new external audiences.

College Wordmark
The College of Fine & Applied Arts wordmark should be used when space is limited and college affiliation is especially important. In most instances, it is preferred that communications include the Block I, the unit name in text, and the college name in text (not visually grouped).
For additional variations of the college mark and further guidance, please visit our style guide.