Writing Style Guides

Having a select writing style helps us speak in a clear, consistent, unified voice and provides a better experience for our readers. These guidelines aim to maintain grammatical accuracy, encourage brand consistency across all College of Fine and Applied Arts communications, and align with the writing style of the university.

University Editorial & Style Guide

In general, our staff should follow the University of Illinois Editorial and Style Guide to achieve college, department and unit communications that align with university communications. This guide is based on “The Associated Press Stylebook” and “Webster’s New World College Dictionary.” Some rules found in this guide are specific to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and should be followed as noted. For style questions not addressed in this guide, please refer to the “The Associated Press Stylebook” and “Webster’s New World College Dictionary.”

Due to the ever-changing nature of “The Associated Press Stylebook” and the university Office of Strategic Communications, the style guide is continuously evolving. This means, FAA communications will also continue to evolve. Please refer to this guide often to ensure current and future communications follow the most recent guidelines.

FAA Style Guide

Coming soon!

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