FAQ: Future Students

Anchor:   what study

What can I study?

Check the majors and minors section for our broad subject areas. The College of Fine and Applied Arts encourages students to create individualized degree paths. Maybe yours will include work in the dance, engineering, music, and sociology programs. We want you to find your place within the arts. Where you study and get inspiration makes a difference too. Our dance, music, and theatre students rehearse and perform in Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, and groups from around the world visit the five indoor stages in this mammoth complex. It also offers wide-open study spaces and outdoor seating.

Krannert Center for the Performing Arts | Touring Time at the University of Illinois
Anchor:   entrance requirements

What are the entrance requirements?

All incoming students—from aspiring professional bassoonists to architects to industrial designers—must first meet the university’s qualifications. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions has tips on high school preparation. We have some general guidelines for how to get ready for our programs or you can contact a departmental advisor for more information on how you can increase your chances of being accepted.

Anchor:   how apply

How do I apply?

Everyone must apply online to the university. You may also need to audition, meet for an interview, or show your portfolio. Check the application steps for your major.

Anchor:   countries

Can I study in other countries?

Check for updates from International Safety and Security about plans to resume study abroad programs. Until then, you can still explore the experiences awaiting you and map out how to make the most of your global opportunities for study. FAA International Programs is your best resource for researching how to pursue your major across the planet. Several departments within the College of Fine and Applied Arts have established international programs. Architecture has a one-year residency program at the Technical University of Catalunya in Barcelona. Dance has connections with universities in Taiwan and Israel. Music offers a summer residency in Cambridge, England. Art and Design students often head to Denmark, Italy, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, or Sweden. Landscape architecture, urban studies and planning, and sustainable design majors can find spots at numerous locations in Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. Actors can take advantage of summer programs in Dublin, and semester-long courses in England and New Zealand are available for other theatre disciplines. Browse the options to find out where you can focus on your major globally. Or if you’re interested in an immersive language program or want to pursue an area outside your major, Education Abroad has many resources to support you too.

Anchor:   honors

What honors programs are available?

James Scholars are honors students within the college. The program is designed for high achievers interested in collaborative research. Incoming students within FAA can also become part of a campus honor group known as the Chancellor’s Scholars.

Anchor:   extracurricular

What extracurricular activities are on campus?

Classes, studio work, rehearsals, practice, and performances will keep you busy and fulfilled, but you should take advantage of our athletics programs and recreational sports teams, performing groups open to all students, cultural houses and centers like Japan House, fraternities and sororities, and more than 1,600 registered student organizations.

Anchor:   four year

How much will a four-year degree cost?

A degree from Illinois is a great value. As one of the top-ranked universities in the world and a “Public Ivy,” Illinois offers an exceptional education at a fraction of the tuition costs at an elite private school. And if you are an Illinois resident the deal gets even better: if you meet income and age requirements you’ll receive free tuition for four years through the Illinois Commitment financial aid package. If you live outside Illinois, check the up-to-date information on tuition and fees from the Office of the Registrar.

Anchor:   scholarships

Are grants or scholarships available? What about part-time jobs?

In addition to receiving millions of dollars in scholarships and fellowships each year, our students work for the university, near campus, or at businesses all over the area. The Office of Student Financial Aid can guide you on applications for grants, scholarships, waivers, and loans. Many scholarships are awarded for outstanding artistic ability or academic achievement, and your application to the university—and also your audition, interview, or portfolio if those are part of your program’s requirements—serves as your scholarship application. Check our list of arts-related scholarships for some other options. The university maintains a student job board with a wide range of part-time positions that could help you in your future schoolwork and career.

Anchor:   campus life

What's campus like?

The Heart of Campustown - Green Street | Touring Time at the University of Illinois
5 Reasons Champaign Urbana Is A Great Place To Live
Anchor:   c u

How big is Champaign-Urbana?

When more than 40,000 students arrive each fall, these twin cities get a lot bigger. But see for yourself what we have to offer.

CHAMPAIGN-URBANA smart. innovative. micro-urban.
Anchor:   job

Willl I get a job after graduation?

Ask our 2020 graduates: as of November 2021, 38% of survey respondents were employed and had an average salary of $48,580. An additional 51% were pursuing more education.

Anchor:   question

Who can I contact with other questions?

If you know what your major will be, start with a departmental advisor. You can also contact the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs (217.333.6061 or faa-uaa@illinois.edu) directly. We’d be glad to help you. You also might want to look through our viewbook to get a sense of FAA’s scope.

If you aren’t sure where to start, send us a request for more information. We can provide details on degree programs, ensembles, classes, dorms, the campus atmosphere, or anything else about being a student in the arts at Illinois.

Learn more about FAA programs

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