Registration Information
If you are a continuing student, you will be provided with a registration time ticket that indicates the first date that you may register for the following semester. All students are encouraged to review the Degree Audit System and schedule a meeting with a departmental advisor to discuss program requirements, goals, and future coursework before registration.

Registration Information
Course Loads
A normal FAA course load is no more than 18 credit hours and no fewer than 12 credit hours.
An overload is available only to students who have a 3.0 or higher GPA. If you wish to enroll in classes for more than 18 credit hours, you must submit an overload request form and provide this information:
- List of all desired courses
- Total number of credit hours
- Reason for the request
Underload/Part-Time Status
Students enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours are part-time students. Part-time enrollment may affect financial aid, visas, and progress toward a degree. If you would like to enroll in fewer than 12 credit hours or drop below 12 credit hours, you must submit an underload/part-time status request. International students must also contact International Student and Scholar Services for approval. Failure to do so may result in the termination of your immigration status.
Permission to pursue more than one underload is granted only under special circumstances. Students who seek to pursue more than one underload must submit a student petition and provide supporting documentation to request permission to enroll in less than 12 hours in any future term. Failure to follow the proper procedures may result in a loss of enrollment privileges.
Transfer Credit
If you plan to take a course at another institution, you should first determine if the credits are transferable by taking these steps:
- Check Transferology to see if the course has been evaluated and will be accepted for credit
- Confirm with the FAA Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs that the course will transfer before enrolling
- If the course will be used to complete a general education requirement, discuss this option with the FAA Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs
- After completing the course, send a transcript to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Many off-campus courses have been evaluated for transfer credit. If a course has not been evaluated before you enroll, save all course material—such as the syllabus, reading list, exams, quizzes, and papers—and bring it to the FAA Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Reviews are conducted on completed courses only after a transcript has been sent to the University of Illinois.